The hottest Global Economy Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Nathan’s Substack β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 06 Sep 23
  1. Empires often make enemies without realizing it, despite thinking they have many friends.
  2. Economic sanctions by one country can lead to unexpected consequences, pushing other nations to protect or distance themselves from the imposing nation's financial systems.
  3. Nations should be cautious in imposing their values on others, as historical empires have unintentionally faced negative outcomes by doing so.
Apricitas Economics β€’ 28 implied HN points β€’ 30 Mar 23
  1. US inflation is mainly driven by demand-side pressures due to excess money chasing limited goods
  2. Supply chain issues, like shortages and constraints, are significant contributors to persistent inflation globally
  3. Businesses are struggling to balance market demand with their production capabilities, resulting in ongoing supply chain challenges
Dr. Pippa's Pen & Podcast β€’ 24 implied HN points β€’ 18 Apr 23
  1. Experts warn against conflating risk analysis with picking sides in geopolitics.
  2. Understanding the grand strategy and end game is crucial in global decision-making.
  3. The rise of dark forces like organized crime impacts geopolitics and economy significantly.
Dr. Pippa's Pen & Podcast β€’ 17 implied HN points β€’ 21 Mar 23
  1. When engaging busy business leaders, bring them new, important, interesting, and actionable information.
  2. Create conversations by discussing unique and thought-provoking topics like space-based solar power or the impact of the metaverse.
  3. Encourage strategic thinking by highlighting unconventional perspectives and the importance of world-building in business.
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The Informationist β€’ 4 HN points β€’ 09 Jul 23
  1. BRICS nations are considering introducing a gold-backed currency to reduce dependency on the US dollar.
  2. The US has deviated from the gold standard, leading to concerns about debt levels and potential economic implications.
  3. For the gold-backed currency to work, BRICS nations would need to establish trust and a system that ensures the currency is fully redeemable for gold, potentially impacting the global financial landscape.
James Ledbetter's FIN β€’ 5 implied HN points β€’ 07 May 23
  1. Income and wealth inequality decreased during the pandemic due to stimulus and increased minimum wages.
  2. The pandemic accelerated technological advancements, such as the development of mRNA vaccines and digital payments.
  3. Changes in real estate preferences indicate a lasting shift towards valuing residential space over commercial space.
Spilled Coffee β€’ 4 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 23
  1. Global companies are reducing reliance on China for production by moving to other countries like India, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Bangladesh.
  2. Investors are reconsidering their strategic allocation to Chinese assets and countries heavily reliant on Chinese exports.
  3. Major investors and institutions are steering clear of China, indicating a shift away from Chinese investments.
Demodexio β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 21 Nov 23
  1. The USA is currently experiencing a period of rapid growth compared to other developed nations.
  2. America's historical success can be attributed to factors like military conquest, expanding the monetary economy, and governance structures.
  3. Questions remain about the impact of immigration, debt, and women's empowerment on the future prosperity of the USA.
Global Markets Investor β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. About 25% of the world is facing recession or economic stagnation, impacting major economies like Japan, United Kingdom, Eurozone, Canada, among others.
  2. Countries such as Japan, UK, Denmark, Moldova, and Peru are in recession, experiencing economic decline over quarters.
  3. Economies in stagnation include the Euro Area, Germany, Canada, Sweden, and Saudi Arabia, facing challenges due to factors like interest rates, inflation, and oil production cuts.