The hottest Work-life balance Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Granted 19 implied HN points 05 Jul 20
  1. Reframing stress as a challenge rather than a hindrance can improve job performance and health.
  2. Working less can help avoid burnout by promoting quality over quantity and recognizing the importance of rest for meaningful goals.
  3. Requiring college degrees in job postings can disadvantage those who acquire skills through alternative routes, particularly people of color.
Venture Prose 19 implied HN points 11 Nov 19
  1. When joining a startup, focus on finding a mission that resonates with you and helps you grow, not just on financial gains or publicity.
  2. It's crucial to align your skills and motivations with the opportunities in the startup world to avoid confusion and steer your career in the right direction.
  3. Success in a startup requires a deep understanding of the effort and commitment needed, and it's important to prioritize personal growth and giving your best every day.
Consumer Solo 0 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. Transitioning from freelancing to a full-time role after 10 years requires a shift in focus and a craving for stability.
  2. In freelancing, larger ongoing gigs provide opportunities to collaborate, learn, and build trust with clients and internal teams.
  3. Balancing a single focus in a full-time role with side projects like a journaling app can require adjustments in time management and project prioritization.
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Reflective Software Engineering 0 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Remote work has both pros and cons, with some enjoying the flexibility and fewer distractions while others miss the social interactions and spontaneous office conversations.
  2. There are various challenges to address with remote work, like maintaining work-life balance, finding ways to commute without an office, preserving work memories and bonding, and brainstorming effectively through communication barriers.
  3. Remote-first companies offer the value of freedom, allowing individuals to work in the environment where they are most productive and comfortable, highlighting the importance of choice when it comes to how and where work is done.
ChughGPT, my personal LLM 0 implied HN points 05 Jan 20
  1. Working from home can disrupt work-life balance and lead to procrastination due to lack of fixed office hours.
  2. Loneliness and depression are common challenges when working remotely, as social interactions are reduced and isolation sets in.
  3. Maintaining social connections, whether through coworking spaces or occasional office visits, can help combat the negative effects of working from home.
Become a Senior Engineer 0 implied HN points 22 Dec 23
  1. Software engineers usually enjoy a peaceful holiday time at work, including the week between Christmas and New Year when many companies reduce or cease operations.
  2. If you have to work during the holidays, use the slower time to tackle wishlist items, learn new things, and enjoy fewer meetings and interruptions.
  3. Before taking time off, finish pending tasks, communicate progress to coworkers, delegate necessary processes, and ensure your work is safe and documented for a smooth return.
Venture Prose 0 implied HN points 25 Mar 14
  1. Entrepreneurs often have to work on weekends, sacrificing leisure time for their work.
  2. Entrepreneurs may face unexpected challenges and tasks that require additional expertise and financial resources.
  3. Building a business can involve complex processes like financial planning, seeking innovation assistance, and managing various aspects of the business.
Austin's Analects 0 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Pursue work you enjoy for intrinsic validation, as it's more sustainable than chasing external rewards like salary or job titles.
  2. Prioritize time over money - it's the most valuable resource, more critical than endless wealth, as even money can't buy more time.
  3. Define your 'good enough' instead of chasing an elusive 'dream job' - true career happiness comes from aligning work with what truly matters to you.
Penelope Trunk's Substack 0 implied HN points 09 Aug 22
  1. Financially, going to medical school may not be worth it for women due to factors like part-time work and difficulty balancing job demands and family responsibilities.
  2. Part-time schedules in medicine can undermine support for the second spouse and disrupt the family's division of labor, impacting overall family dynamics.
  3. Leaving work entirely might be a better choice for women balancing professional work and family responsibilities, as part-time work can lead to identity loss and weak ties in both areas.
AIFeed (A GPT-3 augmented content generator) 0 implied HN points 18 Feb 23
  1. Running improves physical health by strengthening the heart, improving circulation, and increasing endurance.
  2. Running helps relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation by releasing endorphins.
  3. Regular running can lead to increased productivity, improved mental focus, and enhanced problem-solving skills.
Eddie's startup voyage 0 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. Focus on rebuilding yourself after setbacks with a concrete plan for improvement in health, including fitness and reducing alcohol consumption.
  2. Experiencing a defeat can lead to new opportunities, such as exploring AI in depth and breadth, and sharing learnings publicly.
  3. Launching multiple digital products infused with AI, improving marketing and storytelling skills, and making time for cherished moments amidst a busy life are key goals for 2024.