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Askwhy: UX Research, Product Management, Design & Careers 50 implied HN points 11 Apr 23
  1. Your 1:1 with your manager is crucial for building trust and working on your relationship.
  2. Set clear goals for your 1:1 meetings, including understanding priorities, receiving feedback, and discussing career development.
  3. Organize your agenda, prepare in advance, and follow up effectively to make the most out of your 1:1 meetings.
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PeopleStorming 39 implied HN points 30 May 23
  1. Create a safe space where team members can take risks, share ideas, and acknowledge errors to encourage collaboration and innovation.
  2. Form diverse teams with varied backgrounds and skills to ignite creativity, challenge norms, and create products that appeal to a wider audience.
  3. Support team members' growth by offering learning opportunities, mentorship, and skill-building, resulting in a stronger and more capable team.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 09 Apr 23
  1. Big companies are increasingly adopting Kotlin over Java for their workflows due to its multi-functionality and great design.
  2. According to surveys, Kotlin has been consistently well-liked and is expanding beyond Android development to other platforms.
  3. Understanding why Google initially chose Java for Android, what issues Java presented, and what makes Kotlin appealing to various organizations can provide valuable insights for tech professionals.
Trying to Understand the World 5 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Indirect approaches can often be more effective than direct attacks in problem-solving.
  2. Designing and running organizations where people are happy is simple: prioritize simplicity, transparency, fairness, and teamwork.
  3. Having some degree of control over your job and work schedule can make work more bearable and fulfilling, even in difficult circumstances.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 30 Jul 22
  1. Identify new, uncontested markets - like a shark finding a blue ocean to feast peacefully without competition. Look beyond your existing boundaries for opportunities.
  2. Connect with like-minded individuals - NASSCOM members bonded over shared challenges over drinks, breaking boundaries to collaborate instead of compete. Build relationships outside your comfort zone.
  3. Expand your horizons - Gain deeper insights beyond day-to-day tasks. Embrace philosophy, question norms, and challenge projects to find more effective solutions. In a world of tight competition, collaboration can drive everyone's success.
Building Rome(s) 11 implied HN points 18 Jul 23
  1. Feeling overwhelmed by information is common for Technical Program Managers, so it's important to focus on what truly matters and develop a system for rapid recall.
  2. TPMs are not just program runners; they are world builders who can shape engineering organizations by influencing decision-making processes, strategy, and more.
  3. Adding the right amount of slack in project plans is crucial for TPMs to build flexibility and account for uncertainties, especially in testing phases.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 13 Jun 22
  1. Sometimes, in software engineering, it's important to simplify the solution rather than making it overly complex.
  2. In problem-solving, considering economic aspects alongside technical solutions can lead to more efficient and sustainable outcomes.
  3. To excel in software development, it's crucial to broaden your knowledge and decision-making skills beyond just coding.
Building Rome(s) 9 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. The course is designed for people in technical program manager roles looking to advance their career.
  2. The seminar will cover lessons learned, frameworks, and strategies to excel as a TPM.
  3. The course details include a planned schedule, pricing, limited class size, and virtual platform.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 29 May 22
  1. Building an online network can connect you with diverse individuals and open up opportunities for growth and progression.
  2. When building your network, remember to be active and ask questions, while avoiding impatience and neediness to make a good impression.
  3. Finding like-minded individuals in groups, adding value to conversations, and interacting thoughtfully are key steps to effectively developing your online network.
The Skip 1 implied HN point 19 Nov 23
  1. Finding a mentor goes beyond just relying on your manager and company for guidance in your career.
  2. Networking to find mentors involves connecting with former managers, dotted-line managers, peers, and professional friends.
  3. Consider investing in paid resources like executive coaching or therapy to guide your career, especially for senior leaders.
Granted 19 implied HN points 02 Jul 19
  1. Burnout is not the same as stress. Feeling overwhelmed can be healthy but burnout is persistent emotional exhaustion.
  2. Your professional peak relies more on acquired wisdom than innate intelligence. Investing in the next generation is valuable.
  3. Empathy in company culture is crucial. Developing empathy is a soft skill that can be learned through genuine care and effort.
Granted 19 implied HN points 06 May 17
  1. Character is revealed by how you treat those with less power, not how many powerful people you impress
  2. Face-to-face requests are more successful than emails; asking 6 people in person can be as effective as emailing 200
  3. Resilience after failure often comes from understanding that failures are often due to the situation, not individual shortcomings
The Takeoff 0 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. Building customer empathy involves engaging various team members early on in the customer engagement process.
  2. Great product managers are informed by data, not attached to their ideas, and blend qualitative and quantitative inputs.
  3. In an open-core company, interacting with a passionate community of developers is essential for product management.
Pragmatism 0 implied HN points 04 Apr 23
  1. Execution and excellence are key to earning trust and credibility as a product manager.
  2. Deliver impactful results by setting clear goals and celebrating wins along the way.
  3. Demonstrate readiness for promotion by taking on more responsibilities and building influential relationships.
Hazy Bridge 0 implied HN points 13 Jul 23
  1. An LLM can broaden a white-collar worker's knowledge base, enhancing their understanding of legal principles and improving job performance.
  2. Studying for an LLM can develop problem-solving skills, enabling professionals to tackle complex issues with creativity and precision.
  3. Having an LLM can give white-collar workers a competitive edge, showcasing specialized expertise and making them more appealing to employers.