The hottest Career Substack posts right now

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The Caring Techie Newsletter 6 implied HN points 18 Oct 23
  1. Irina has had a diverse career journey from software engineer to tech lead to manager at big tech companies like Google and Uber.
  2. Coaching became a passion for Irina after realizing the joy of helping her team find their own solutions.
  3. Big tech companies have more structured and hierarchical leadership styles, while startups lean towards entrepreneurial and hands-on leadership.
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The Intersection 0 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. Preparing for a midlife crisis involves saving money to have the financial freedom to pursue new opportunities.
  2. Discovering your calling early in your career can help develop the conviction needed for a successful second act.
  3. Designing your own system, guided by your core values, can help overcome fear and lead to happiness in pursuing new ventures.
Locks and Leaks 0 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Companies like UBS, Meta, and Amazon are offering physical red team positions, which are significant for job seekers in the field.
  2. The collection of job descriptions serves as a resource for job seekers, security managers, and the public interested in the field of red teaming.
  3. Physical red teaming is a growing field, and resources like Locks & Leaks are working to elevate the profession by identifying and sharing industry resources.
Venture Prose 0 implied HN points 02 Nov 17
  1. Charles has always been determined and persuasive, creating convincing cases from a young age to get what he wants from his parents.
  2. Charles recognized the need for a change in the work paradigm and decided to act on it by starting his own venture, Comet, with a focus on transparency and simplicity.
  3. At 22, Charles witnessed unethical practices in the consultancy industry, leading him to make a drastic career shift towards a more meaningful and ethical path.
Austin's Analects 0 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Pursue work you enjoy for intrinsic validation, as it's more sustainable than chasing external rewards like salary or job titles.
  2. Prioritize time over money - it's the most valuable resource, more critical than endless wealth, as even money can't buy more time.
  3. Define your 'good enough' instead of chasing an elusive 'dream job' - true career happiness comes from aligning work with what truly matters to you.
Austin's Analects 0 implied HN points 01 Aug 20
  1. Perfect your resume by tailoring it to the job, formatting it properly, and writing concise bullets with powerful action verbs.
  2. Attend career fairs to network with employers, perfect your elevator pitch, and prioritize companies you're interested in connecting with.
  3. Leverage your existing network and expand it through platforms like LinkedIn to maximize your job search opportunities.
Ashly’s Substack 0 implied HN points 27 Apr 24
  1. The author quit their job to take control of their future, despite not having another job lined up.
  2. The decision to quit was supported by savings and multiple revenue streams developed over 4 years of hard work.
  3. The author encourages taking action to change what makes you unhappy in life, emphasizing the importance of hard work and perseverance.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 16 Oct 22
  1. The proposal suggests a shift in museum operations to adapt to Silicon Valley's technological influence, recommending initiatives like a museum-anchored culture incubator.
  2. The document highlights the importance of considering future audience investments to ensure long-term financial health of museums.
  3. New administrative roles and organizational changes are recommended to enhance visitor experiences and transparency within the museum.
Rick Manelius's Newsletter 0 implied HN points 08 May 23
  1. Rick Manelius is stepping into the role of CEO of Atomic Form.
  2. Frequency of posts in The Startup CXO Playbook may slow down due to additional responsibilities at his startup.
  3. Rick is seeking feedback on content and questions for future topics.
lifeboat 0 implied HN points 31 May 23
  1. Photography can transform everyday sights by freezing a moment, revealing details we might not notice otherwise.
  2. Filmmaking requires understanding how to slow down action to show what's happening, balancing practicality with creativity.
  3. Observing wildlife with patience and respect is key, knowing when to film and when to simply observe to avoid disturbing the animals.
B2B Wins by Steve Zakur 0 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Google's Gemini voice assistant shows a glimpse of AI's future, integrating well with Google Workspace products.
  2. Including irrelevant data surprisingly enhances the performance of AI systems like RAG, making language models more reliable.
  3. AI saves sales professionals time on mundane tasks, allowing more focus on valuable connections with prospects.